How the Child Care Crisis Affects Moms: And What Matters Most to Them

August 28, 2024

Editors note: This article was written by moms, for moms, with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by working mothers every day.

When we talk about the child care crisis, our focus tends to zero in on the economy and affected children. While these concerns are critical, another population group needs equal support: moms.

Mothers affected by the child care crisis are often forced to choose between piecing together limited child care options or completely leaving their careers. Often, due to our nation’s significant lack of child care seats of any kind, they’re not given a choice at all. Below, we’ll discuss how this affects moms in greater detail. We’ll also share what we’ve learned about creating child care programs that better suit mothers’ needs.

By digging into this data and taking action, we can lessen the child care crisis and its impact on working moms.

The Nine Child Care Factors that Moms Care Most About

How can we support moms who want to stay in the workforce during their early parenting years? By creating more child care seats that meet their needs and preferences. The top nine factors that moms consider when looking for quality child care are outlined in the chart below. Most, if not all, of these should be implemented when new child care providers open their doors.

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What the Child Care Crisis Feels Like to Moms

In order for mothers to succeed in their careers while they have young children at home, quality child care is a must. Unfortunately, many moms find it almost impossible to find care that is A) affordable, B) available, and C) of adequate quality.

Let’s look at this dilemma from a mother’s point of view: 

  • Affordability: You’re looking at your family budget while waiting for your child to arrive, and realize that more than half of your take-home pay will go toward childcare. 
  • Availability: You call local child care centers three months before your child is due to be born, just to find out you’re already “behind” and will need to utilize child care waitlists. 
  • Adequate quality: You research child care options within a 15-minute radius of your home, and you’re unable to find even one provider that you feel comfortable with.

Setbacks like these are the most common reasons behind moms leaving the workforce. This not only affects their career pathway and financial situation, but it also plays a role in the larger economy.

Conclusion: Taking Action to Support Moms

By creating more programs that fit these guidelines, we can empower mothers to stay in the workforce after having children. We can put the choice back into their hands, instead of leaving them with an impossible decision in an already challenging season of life. And remember, our impact isn’t only directed toward moms. By supporting these strong, working women, we’ll positively impact early childhood education and keep our economy moving in the right direction.

How Wonderschool Can Help

Wonderschool is committed to addressing these challenges by creating more child care options that align with what moms truly need. Our technology-driven platform is designed to help establish high-quality, accessible, and affordable child care programs that empower mothers to stay in the workforce. By partnering with communities and providers, Wonderschool aims to increase child care capacity and provide tailored solutions that meet the diverse needs of families. Learn More.

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