An Effortless Way To Manage Daycare Enrollments

November 9, 2022


It's All About Me (IAAM) is a four-star premier child care center in Gastonia, North Carolina. Maranda Phillips founded this program 16 years ago to provide high-quality child care for her children and, eventually, other families. Because her preschool is so popular, she will increase the number of children she serves to accommodate enrollment requests.


Maranda struggled with how long it took to assist new parents with scheduling tour requests, receiving applications, completing child care enrollments, and messaging.

Pen and paper could not capture all these different types of parent communications without absorbing so much of her time. She can't risk wasting time on child care management services that don't offer full-service products and customer support.


Maranda joined Wonderschool to help her with the enrollment and communication side of running her daycare.

She finds the Wonderschool website builder and app valuable for streamlining how new families apply to her program. She uses the app to communicate with prospective families and parents whose children are already enrolled.

Wonderschool is an effortless way to connect with new families who want to enroll in your program. When they sign up, Wonderschool can also help youmanage daily log-in and messaging.-Maranda Phillips, Director, It's All About Me Home Daycare, Gastonia, NC


With Wonderschool's online marketing, touring, and enrollment tools, Maranda saves 15% of her weekly time.  IAAM receives multiple parent applications automatically each month through her Wonderschool website.

The Wonderschool app is used by 100% of the existing families, allowing them to quickly access information about the children that Miranda logs in daily.

Wonderschool Benefits

  1. Easy to use child care finder for both parents and child care directors
  2. Streamlined process with scheduling tours and events at your preschool or daycare
  3. Automatic record keeping of messages from new and existing families

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